A big milestone.
September 2021 marks 50 years since Harry Lendvoy began his teaching journey at Langara College. Since then, his impact on the Kinesiology department, the students, and the Sport Medicine and sport coaching community have been immeasurable.
Harry has been instrumental in the development of the Kinesiology department at Langara, creating three of its core courses, Kin 1100 - Biodynamics, Kin 2252 - Contemporary Health Issues and Kin 2361 Sport Medicine. He has taught more than 12,000 students in his 50 years as an instructor. Beyond the classroom, Langara students also felt his impact as the head coach of the Falcon's men's soccer team from 1973 - 1979.
Beyond Langara, Harry has been a pioneer for Sport Medicine in British Columbia. He was a founding board member of SportMed BC, and in 2004 became one of only ten of their honorary members. He also created the BC Sports First Aid Program and later expanded the program to include fitness leaders. Harry was also both an National Coaching Certification Program Master Course Conductor, as well as a Learning Facilitator, providing coaches across BC with education tools and resources for more than 30 years.
All of these accomplishments have influenced the trajectory of sport medicine and coaching in BC, allowing it to be a thriving field that supports health and performance through sport and exercise.
Harry’s contributions to both Langara and the sport medicine community are truly outstanding, and we invite you to join us in celebrating his achievements over the last 50 years by donating to help established an award in his name.
Help us celebrate and honour Harry and his incredible impact on education, and sport medicine.
Donate and send your congratulations below. All donations to Harry's fund will be matched up until December 31st, 2021.