Our Langarans are amazing. They support our students and community every day. They volunteer as guest speakers, advisory committees, employers, donors, and mentors. Langarans are known for their kindness, generosity and most importantly their sense of community. We want to recognize alumni contributions and celebrate their impact at Langara.
Thank you, Langarans! You supported us this past year and made a difference to our students during their academic journey.

Bachelor of Business Administration (2011/2012)
Take some time and figure out who you are as a person, not as a professional. What do you deeply love and care about? Think back to younger years. Find that out and everything else will easily follow.

Bachelor's in Business Administration (2012)
Be confident and stay curious. Since day 1, you are already everything you wish you were, the rest is to "trust the process", and view every challenge as opportunities to grow further.

Web and Mobile Application Development
Develop a strong foundation, learn to collaborate, network and seek out for mentors. Most importantly, embrace your individuality and don't be afraid to stand out!

Diploma Photography (2019)
There is no dream that’s too big. In fact, take your wildest dream, make it bigger, and then write it down. When you’re working towards that, every little thing that you do suddenly has purpose.

Studio 58, Theatre Arts (Acting) (2018)
Be prepared for a change of pace, and refrain from comparing your success to your fellow graduates. Everyone achieves a different level of success at different times for different reasons.

PDD Marketing Management (2019)
Take the time to speak to people in all areas of your industry! You never know what connections you will make. Whether it’s a classmate or a guest speaker, there are many great opportunities.