Salim Amin

Media entrepreneur and Langara Journalism alum (1992) Salim Amin is one of the strongest African voices. Salim is the Chairman of Camerapix, an independent media company based in Nairobi, which creates exclusive images and stories about Africa for big international news agencies. His father, Mohamed Amin, an important figure in African photojournalism, founded the company in 1963. Mohamed’s life story is depicted in Salim’s 2016 documentary “MO & ME”, which has won more than 20 international awards. The movie is part of his work as Co-Founder of A24 Media, Africa's first online video agency. Salim is also the founder of The Mohamed Amin Foundation which provides aspiring African journalists with the tools and knowledge they need to tell local stories to an international audience.

Learn more at Alumni Stories with Salim Amin (2013).