Social Innovation

App for Connecting People to Shelters

App for Connecting People to Shelters

Funding Agencies

  • Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC)


  • Initiated by Langara

Principal Investigators

  • Prashant Kumar, Biology

Project Status


The province’s 211 service is a free and confidential service that connects people to helpful and vital resources, such as food and shelter, mental health and addictions support, and legal aid. This project aimed to remedy chronic shortcomings in the 211 service experienced by people looking for available shelter spaces.

A $35,000 grant from SPARC BC enabled Langara’s researchers to overcome the limitations of long wait times, outdated data, and the need for an active phone line by developing a mobile application that could be updated by shelters with real-time bed availability and searched over public Wi-Fi by homeless people.

The app was developed using Android Studio and Java, with Firebase handling user authentication. A modern design was also integrated to enhance the overall user experience. It is available to organizations such as 211 and Crisis Centre BC, and the public, including unhoused individuals who have mobile devices.

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