Writing skills are critical to your academic success. Langara has options for you to get help with writing assignments and fundamentals.


Meet with a writing tutor

Writing tutors will read your writing assignment and offer strategies on how to make improvements.

Book a one-on-one appointment to meet with a tutor at the Langara Writing Centre.

Writing Centre is OPEN:

  • Monday - Thursday: 10:30am - 4:30pm
  • Friday: 10:30am - 4:00pm

Who we can help

Priority is given to Langara Regular Studies students. Tutors will help Langara Continuing Studies students such as LEAP as availability permits.

For help with resumes for job applications, check with the Co-op and Career Development Centre.

Get writing feedback through WriteAway

WriteAway is a virtual service where Langara students can submit their writing and get written feedback within 48 hours (when the semester is in session). Free for registered Langara students.

Submit your writing assignment today.

Prepare for Langara English Test

The Langara English Test (LET) assesses your ability to read, understand, and write English at the college/university level. If you are required to take the test, resources are available to help you prepare.

Check out the Langara English Test Preparation Guide for sample questions and practical tips.

Learn more about the Langara English Test prerequisites and registration through Admissions.

Access Research Resources

The Langara Library has assembled a variety of guides to help you research for writing and other assignments. This includes tips for finding articles, books and media, as well as citing your sources.

Access research help.

Access writing guides and resources

Writing guides have been prepared by our Writing Centre to help you with writing assignments. Topics include essay writing, grammar and practice exercises.

Access the writing guides for more tips.