Want to know how long to keep records and when to destroy them? Check out the following easy-to-use resources:
The Annual Year-End File Purge Guide gives you an easy-to-follow listing of paper and electronic records common to most departments with short descriptions and retention and disposal timetables for each type of record.
Specialised filing guides like the Filing Guide for Regular Studies Faculty Records and the Filing Guide for Managers’ Records describe the types of records typically created or received by faculty or managers and lists the retention period for each record category.
For a College-wide perspective, you can review the Directory of College Record Classifications and Retention Schedules, an accessible and up-to-date listing of records produced by departments throughout the College. The Directory organizes record types by business function, identifies the department responsible for each function and describes the length of time each record type is to be kept in the office (and in some cases in on-site storage) prior to destruction or transfer to the College Archives.
The Managing your Email in Outlook Guide provides filing, decluttering and etiquette tips.