Registration Overrides

Please see the table below for details on registration overrides.

  • Overrides Available:
    • Prerequisite
    • Repeat Limit
    • Co-requisite
    • Special Approvals
  • The system continues to check courses for prerequisites, repeat limits and co-requisites throughout the semester.

The waitlist system for these sections will cease on the day before the first day of classes. Students who remain interested are instructed to contact the instructor on the first day of classes.


  1. Prerequisite Override
    • Available-all the time and for all courses (facilitates academic advising)
    • Prerequisites will be automatically checked by the system until the end of the semester
    • No expiry- remains on the student record permanently.
    • Overrides ALL sections of the same course number
  2. Repeat Limit Override
    • Available-all the time (facilitates academic advising)
    • Repeat limits will be automatically checked by the system until the end of the semester
    • Expires at the end of the semester
    • Overrides ALL sections of the same course number
  3. Co-requisite Override
    • Available-all the time
    • Co-requisites will be automatically checked by the system until the end of the semester
    • Expires at the end of the semester
    • Overrides ALL sections of the same course number
  4. Special Approvals Override (see note 2 below) (replaces the old JDI)
    • Available-when the semester course schedule is published on the Web
    • Expires after 24 hours
    • Section-specific
    • Overrides class capacity
    • Allows a student to register into a program-restricted course
    • Acts as a late registration approval


  1. The appointed delegate will be a faculty member within a given department who agrees to cover for that Department Chair in the Chair's absence. The length of time a departmental delegate is appointed can range from one semester to two years (in conjunction with the Chair's term).
  2. When issuing a Special Approvals override, a Prerequisite and a repeat limit Override may ALSO be required.
  3. Students who want to register into courses requiring 'Permission of Instructor' must contact the instructor who will give the student name and ID to their department chair or delegate.