Langara is situated in a conveniently-located urban oasis with a municipal golf course bordering the south side of the campus, a community garden to the east, wetlands to the northeast, and green spaces throughout the campus. While there are many benefits to learning and working in this natural environment, there are also pests such as rodents and insects that inhabit the surrounding areas. They are opportunitistic creatures, which means they will take advantage of food scraps and residue left out in the open.

Let's work together to maintain a clean office environment. Here are some ways to prevent pests from turning your work space into their living space.

  • Avoid leaving food out in the open, even for a short time.
  • Store food and beverages in tightly sealed containers.
  • Clean dishes and utensils properly.
  • Wipe down microwaves and/or other small appliances like toasters.
  • Mop up any spills immediately, even if it's just water.
  • Clear out fridges at the end of each week.
  • Recycle your food containers and food scraps into the correct recycling bins.
  • Ensure compost bins are firmly closed.
  • Wipe down your workspace daily to remove any residue.
  • Monitor any plants in your workspace to make sure they're not sheltering pests.

Please contact Craig Vand'Erkamps, Facilities Supervisor at to:

  • Report a pest issue
  • Report a kitchen or washroom leak
  • Request a recycling bin(s)
  • Get more information about pest prevention

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