According to TCPS2, “face-to-face meetings are essential for adequate discussion of, and effective REB decision making on, research proposals, and for the collective education of the REB.”  Meetings of the LREB will be conducted in a manner that satisfies regulatory and institutional requirements.

  • Quorum

    Quorum for LREB meetings must be in accordance with the requirements of TCPS2 Article 6.4.  Furthermore, when there is less that full attendance, decisions can only be made when members in attendance have the requisite knowledge and competence to provide adequate ethics review.

    Quorum should not include ad hoc advisors, visitors or administrative staff.

    Quorum is defined as a majority (50% = 1) of the regular and/or alternate members with a minimum of 5 members. Quorum must include at least two members whose primary area of expertise is scientific, one member whose primary area of expertise is non-scientific, one member who is knowledgeable in ethics and one member who has no affiliation with the institution (member of the public).

    The chair will determine if quorum has been achieved.

    An alternate member may attend in place of an absent member in order to achieve quorum.

    Ad hoc reviewers, visitors and administrative staff will not be used to achieve quorum.

    No votes can be taken without a quorum.

  • Distribution of Materials Prior to LREB Meetings

    All documentation required for review will be provided to LREB members in sufficient time prior to the next scheduled LREB meeting to allow for adequate review. These materials will include:

    • Meeting agenda
    • Reviewer material, including:
      • Applications for ethical review
      • Proposed informed consent documents
      • Complete protocol (for new and renewal applications) Questionnaires and assessment instruments (if applicable)
      • Any other supporting materials
      • Minutes of previous meetings
  • Minutes

    Minutes of LREB meetings will be taken by the LREB manager or designate

    Minutes will be written in detail sufficient to show:
    • Meeting attendance including the presence of observers, guests and ad hoc reviewers
    • Declarations of conflicts of interest or recusals;
    • Actions taken by the LREB and the basis for those actions
    • Summary of discussions of controversial issues
    • Voting results including the names of those members voting for, against and abstaining from voting
  • Approval by Consensus

    Members of the LREB should strive to approve studies by consensus. Where consensus cannot be achieved, the decision will be made by majority vote and recorded in the minutes with the names of those members voting for, against and abstaining from the vote.